European Commission white paper on leveling the playing field as regards foreign subsidies
European Commission white paper on leveling the playing field as regards foreign subsidies
European Commission white paper on leveling the playing field as regards foreign subsidies
General Court ruling annulling European Commission prohibition decision in Hutchison 3G UK/O2
2019 summer review of European competition law developments
AG Opinion in ICAP (relating to YIRD fining decision against ICAP as cartel facilitator)
Court of Justice ruling in Skanska: EU competition law concept of ‘undertakings’ and principle of economic continuity to the rescue in civil damages claims
2018 in review: a selection of European competition law developments of interest (part II)
2018 in review: a selection of European competition law developments of interest (part I)
EU competition law highlights -Summer 2018
General Court reviews the legality of two inspection decisions in Ceske drahy v Commission
2017 in review: a selection of competition law (and other related) developments of interest
Advocate General opinion in MEO on discriminatory pricing
Court of Justice clarifies interpretation of a 'concentration' as applied to joint ventures
General Court extends general presumption against access to documents in competition file to abuse of dominance cases.
Court of Justice rules on the protection afforded to leniency applicants with respect to the publication of non-confidential versions of infringement decisions.
What to expect from DGComp in 2017: The Directorate General for Competition (DGComp) published on 15 February 2017 its management plan for 2017. It reveals the key objectives and areas of focus of DGComp for 2017.
General Court upholds European Commission cartel decision in smart card chips
Advocate General Wahl recommends setting aside Commission cartel decision in the market for concrete reinforcing bars
Verizon's acquisition of Yahoo notified to the European Commission
Microsoft/LinkedIn deal notified for EU merger control clearance: Will it be smooth sailing?
European Commission consults (again) on further changes to EU merger control
General Court rules on the adequacy of commitments in abuse of dominance case
The end of pay for delay? A bitter pill to swallow for Lundbeck and originator pharma companies
The end of the road for the bitumen (Spain) cartel proceedings
6 months to go to implement the EU antitrust damages directive
Upcoming EU competition law judgments - June 2016
European Commission prohibits Hutchison/O2 deal
EU state aid rules clarified to facilitate public investment
Pre-stressing steel cartel: appeal against European Commission decision rejected
Competition Law Insight: Interview with Chantal Lavoie, published on 19 January 2016
European Court of Justice adopts decision on rebate schemes (Post Denmark A/S v Konkurrenceradet,Case C-23/14, judgment 6 October 2015)
Consultancy firms not immune from cartel fines (AC-Treuhand AG v European Commission, Case C-194/19 P, judgment of 22 October 2015)
Avago offers behavioural remedies as a condition to EU clearance for its acquisition of Broadcom
European Court of Justice rules that clauses in commercial lease agreements providing anchor tenants with the right to oppose letting to other tenants in a shopping centre are not by their nature restrictions by ‘object’
European Commission clears ‘4 to 3’ transaction in small package delivery services market: FedEx/TNT Express
Legality of retroactive Commission decision under EU merger control rules: Editions Odile Jacob v Commission, C-514/14 P, judgment of 28 January 2016
Court of Justice rules on the evidence needed to show a ‘concerted practice’ in the context of online platforms: Eturas and al v Lietuvos Respublikos konkurencijos taryba, case C-74/14, judgment of 21 January 2016
Court of Justice invalidates European Commission request for information in cartel investigation due to vague and generic statement of reasons: judgments of 10 March 2016 in HeidelbergCement; Italmobiliare; Buzzi Unicem; Schwenk Zement
EU competition investigation into credit default swaps: the end in sight?
Advocate General opinion on the turnover and exchange rate used in setting cartel fines: Opinion of AG Kokott of 14 April 2016 in Pilkington vs European Commission