The end of the road for the bitumen (Spain) cartel proceedings
The end of the road for the bitumen (Spain) cartel proceedings
The end of the road for the bitumen (Spain) cartel proceedings
Pre-stressing steel cartel: appeal against European Commission decision rejected
Consultancy firms not immune from cartel fines (AC-Treuhand AG v European Commission, Case C-194/19 P, judgment of 22 October 2015)
Court of Justice invalidates European Commission request for information in cartel investigation due to vague and generic statement of reasons: judgments of 10 March 2016 in HeidelbergCement; Italmobiliare; Buzzi Unicem; Schwenk Zement
Advocate General opinion on the turnover and exchange rate used in setting cartel fines: Opinion of AG Kokott of 14 April 2016 in Pilkington vs European Commission